Simplify Your Life in 30 Days | Create More Time | Relieve Stress

Ready to simplify your life? We’ve got you.

Welcome to CoveyClub’s Simplify Your Life in 30 Days, a challenge dedicated to helping you create clarity and calm in your life through organization, mindfulness, time management, decluttering, and productivity. If you’re looking to revamp your life and create more space for what truly matters, this is for you. And don’t worry — we’ll be with you every step of the way!



Over the next 30 days, you’ll receive daily tips and inspiration to help you streamline your life, reduce stress, declutter your space, and increase productivity. You’ll learn powerful techniques for organizing all the aspects of your life, from clearing out your closet to demystifying your email subscriptions.

Here at CoveyClub, we specialize in helping women like you create lasting change in their lives. Tap into an incredible group of likeminded women who will offer guidance, support, and motivation to keep you on track.

Here’s what you can expect from Simplify Your Life in 30 Days:

  • Daily tips and inspiration in the CoveyConnect Facebook group
  • Weekly checkins with Lesley Jane Seymour
  • A supportive community of likeminded women
  • Time management and productivity tools that let you get more done in less time
  • Decluttering strategies to clear out the physical and mental clutter in your life
  • Habit tracking to help you build new, positive habits and break old, negative ones

By the end of the challenge, you’ll have transformed your life in ways you never thought possible. You’ll have more time, more energy, and more space to pursue your passions, connect with loved ones, and create the life of your dreams.


NOTE: If you want to get the Simplify Your Life Challenge for free by joining CoveyClub, you must choose the annual membership. Monthly memberships purchased after 6/1/24 are not eligible for free access.


A Note from Lesley Jane Seymour…

I admit it: I’m a bit of a Felix Unger. I love a clean, organized, decluttered environment because it keeps me calm and unstressed. It gives me a sense of control — especially when the world around me feels so out of control. As my husband likes to joke: “You can’t control what’s going on in congress but you’re the Queen of your shoe closet.” 

Current research shows that reducing clutter in your life can actually lead to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and increased focus.

And that goes for more than physical clutter. Decluttering your digital life and stream-lining how you organize your calendar every day can lead to more calm and serenity in your mental scape. 

You’ll be shocked at how far you can go toward creating calm in your life in just one month with the support of CoveyClub.



Are you ready to simplify your life and reinvent yourself in just 30 days? Join us!

Here’s How It Works

  • We will gather on Zoom on Monday, July 1 at 6 PM ET for the launch of the Simplify Your Life Challenge.
  • Every day for the next 30 days we’ll check in with you on the CoveyConnect app with inspiration and surprises to help keep you on track.
  • Each Thursday at 6 PM ET we will gather for a quick (voluntary) 15-minute check-in Zoom call to answer questions and cheer each other forward.
  • On Tuesday, July 30 at 6 PM ET, we will gather one last time to celebrate our wins.


The CoveyClub Simplify-Your-Life Challenge is FREE to members* (along with dozens of other fabulous supports like PODs, classes, networking meetups, etc.). So why not join CoveyClub now and get the whole list of benefits outlined below. If joining a club is just not your thing, you can jump on the Simplify Your Life Challenge by itself for $350.

Nest with Covey


Join Nest with Covey for one year and get the Simplify Your Life challenge plus…

  • 3 Covey Pods
  • 2 Weekly Classes
  • CoveyClub Class Replay Library (360+ classes!)
  • CoveyConnect Facebook Group
  • CoveyClub Book Club
  • Priority Trip Booking & Discounts
  • Priority Entry to Covey Masterminds
  • Cocktails & Conversation Meetups
  • Trivia Nights
  • The Monarch Storytelling Nights
  • Weekly CoveyClub Lounge

Simplify Your Life


Purchase the 30-day challenge alone and receive…

  • 1hr launch call live on Zoom
  • 8 live Zoom check-in calls with Lesley Jane Seymour for ongoing support (2x weekly)
  • Access to the CoveyConnect app for daily check-ins
  • Resource handbook with calendar and prompts
  • 1hr wrap-up call to celebrate your wins!

*Not eligible on monthly memberships created after July 1, 2024