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JoinThere’s no better time than NOW to feel confident in your clothes in a well-balanced body. We’ve enlisted fashion and fitness expert Mindy Solkin to give you a summer boost by achieving a fashion style that works for you. Plus a quick exercise routine that you can do anywhere, at any time, and with little or no equipment. Solkin is the creator of BB Babes, where fashion, fitness, and health combine for Baby Boomer women. In this class you’ll discover two of the eight essential categories for creating a wardrobe for your body, along with the do’s and don’t’s for your apparel selection. Then get ready for the 10-10-10 Balance Challenge for fall prevention and better balance, posture, and strength. This amazing fitness method includes 10 exercises - which only take 10 minutes per day - that you do for 10 days. Once you achieve your baseline level, you move on to the next level for the next 10 days and so on. Coach Mindy created the method when she coached thousands of runners for marathons. But you need not be a runner to attain poetry-in-motion too!
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