Covey Podcast
Reinventing by Teaching Fearlessness
Randi Levin claims she’s not a coach but a “transitional life strategist” who uses her own reinvention—from corporate cog to entrepreneur—to help others reimagine themselves. She instructs on shifts in thinking, time management, and most important, on how to catch your inner confidence thief: fear.
Randi Levin’s Tips
1. Catch your thief.
That thief is fear. If fear were someone in your home right now, rifling through your stuff, would you do something about it? I think the answer is yes. You wouldn’t look the other way. You would do something to take back what’s yours. It’s the same thing with fear. You want to be able to take back those fears.
2. Manage your energy currency.
Everything we do, everything in life has energy around it. And it’s kind of like money, like currency that we can spend. So if we’re trying to spend that energy in the past, and we’re caught up in rehashing why that job didn’t work out, or that marriage didn’t work out, there ends up being a lot of negative energy around us, and it’s very heavy to carry around. But the thing is, we can’t spend it, because the past is done. Nobody wants our currency there. And the same is true in the future. Out in the future is where our goals live, and our business plans, and New Year’s resolutions. We want to be able to create a path toward them, but we don’t want to live there. And again, we have all this money, but we can’t use it. No one’s taking it because we’re not there yet. The only place you’re a millionaire is in today.
3. Stay in the conversation.
We start things and we don’t finish them. And that’s fine, but we never follow it up, or look back to see what were the successes of what we did. We may go out to a networking event and say, ‘okay now I networked,’ but you never follow up with the networking. So stay in the conversation with your clients, with your boss, with your spouse, with your children, and most importantly with yourself. It’s kind of like a mantra. So if you’re going about your day and you feel like, ‘oh my god I want to quit,’ just ask yourself, ‘how can I stay in the conversation today? What can I do right now that can shift this just a little bit?’ And it will bring you right back to the current moment.
Thinking about working with a coach? Learn more at Randi’s website.
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