Covey Podcast
Reinvention in the #MeToo Era
Every night when Gretchen Carlson’s mother put her to bed, she told her she could be anything she wanted — as long as she was willing to work hard for it. So when the Stanford grad, Miss America, and former CBS and Fox anchor sued her boss for sexual harassment, it was that “ability to know I worked very hard that carried me through it.” Learn more about the woman who gave others the guts for reinvention in the #MeToo era. Carlson explains why making the leap over 50 made it even harder to reinvent, and offers solutions, beginning with the observation that “women need to stop being so damn nice.”
Gretchen’s Top Tips for Reinvention
- Be Open to Risks
We are socialized to not take risks, unfortunately, to sort of stay in a box and “be nice.” When you actually step outside of your comfort zone, whatever that is, and take a small little risk, which is what I would recommend first, and then you realize that after you put your foot over the ledge, that it was okay. You build so much more confidence to do it the next time. And then you do it a little bit more. And before you know it you are really stepping outside your comfort zone. And you’re becoming incredibly unique in who you are because you’ve challenged yourself in so many ways.
2. Develop a Passion for Reading about Others Who have Reinvented
If you’re in that journey right now, it can feel incredibly lonely. And one of the ways in which I have empowered myself is to read about others, men and women, who are reinventing. It’s incredibly inspiring, and you realize that you are not alone in your journey, and I think that is crucial.
Gretchen’s Reading List:
Anything by Brené Brown
Daughter of Destiny: An Autobiography by Benazir Bhutto
Can’t Is Not an Option: My American Story by Nikki Haley
Becoming by Michelle Obama
Getting Real by Gretchen Carlson
Be Fierce: Stop Harassment and Take Your Power Back by Gretchen Carlson
3. Write Things Down and Challenge Yourself by Making Lists
I have post-it notes all over my house; it drives my family crazy. I make them for myself because I think if you force yourself to write down what you need to do, and do one of those things at least once a week or once a month, the sense of accomplishment is so intense.
Episode notes:
Help Gretchen keep the pressure on members of congress for passage of the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Harassment Act of 2017 by writing or calling your member of congress to get him/her to sign on. (Arbitration is what keeps harassment secret and abusers in power).
Follow her leadership tour and find her on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.
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