Covey Podcast
Covey Podcast
Going Gray Inspired Her to Start a Magazine
Launching a magazine at a time when print is disappearing might seem crazy, but Robin Salls discovered it's all about the niche
“I always come back to passion,” says Robin Salls, the pro-age powerhouse behind Tangled Silver magazine and the #IAmSilver beauty movement. “Look at what your passion is and see if you can turn it into something else where you can build a revenue to support yourself.” In an industry where glossy pages often tell tales of youth and retouching, her vision is a refreshing call to action. Lesley Jane Seymour sits down with the fierce entrepreneur to discuss the ins and outs of cultivating a niche magazine at a time when print is said to be on the decline. Salls shares her personal journey from a business-minded mom to a magazine founder, her insights on the gray hair revolution, and the unexpected challenges and triumphs of starting a magazine from scratch. For anyone contemplating a change – whether it’s your hair color or your career path – this conversation will teach you how you can turn your passion into a successful reinvention.
If you’re inspired by Robin’s story and seeking your own reinvention, join CoveyClub for resources, support, and community with like-minded women. Don’t forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and subscribe for more inspiring stories of transformation!
LJS: So welcome, Robin, I’m so happy to have you on the show.
RS: Thank you so much for inviting me on, Lesley.
LJS: So let’s talk about you and where you grew up, and how the heck did you start making magazines when everybody else is bailing out? I’m so, so proud of you. It was my favorite profession ever. So I want to hear the story. Where did you grow up and what did you start out doing?
RS: Oh, my gosh. I pretty much have grown up in Colorado. We moved here when I was 12 – so about 6th grade – from upstate New York, very culture shock. So I spent most of my life in Colorado, in the mountains, plains, stuff like that. Did I ever think I would do a magazine? Absolutely not. I get asked a lot. “Oh, did you want to do that from the time you were young?” No. All I ever really wanted to do in my mind was I had two career goals in high school. I either was going to become a lawyer or a mother.
The lawyer stuff was like, “I don’t really want to go to school that long for all that.” So as much as I loved law classes in high school, I was like, “Yeah, I don’t want to do that.” So I took the other option and went to school for business, ended up meeting my husband at the time, and had my daughter. So I got to fulfill my mom dream. I was a stay-at-home mom, for most of her life. But I constantly had this entrepreneur inkling that I had from very early on. In college, I was printing t-shirts for the fraternities and sororities I had friends in, so I was always looking to use something. And so I’ve kind of dabbled a little bit into a lot of different things to still be able to stay at home with my daughter, but yet at the same time feel that little need of creativity that I had. And the magazine, that really just came out of a need. I was embracing my going gray and taking on my silver strands, and there wasn’t really the inspiration. I grew up reading Teen Magazine.
LJS: Oh, I loved those. I read every single one of those silly magazines. All of them.
RS: Okay, Lesley, I’m going to admit something I don’t always like to admit, but I do. I just threw out my Teen Magazines. I’m 55 years old.
LJS: Oh my God! You kept them?! Oh, how wonderful!
RS: I had, like, my favorite issues I kept, especially the first one where the gal just made me think of myself. She had little freckles, long blonde hair. I mean, I just thought, “Oh, I totally could connect with her.” So I kept that one especially. But when we moved into our house six years ago, I finally gave up all those because my husband’s like, “Really, Robin? Really? Your Teen Magazines?”
LJS: That’s incredible. You should have given them to, like, you should put them up on Etsy or something. Ebay…
RS: It didn’t even occur to me to do that. Like I said, I honestly didn’t picture myself creating magazines. I loved them. Okay, so there wasn’t really enough silver haired inspiration. You know, you go into a hair salon, and there’s all these great magazines for hairstyles, but there weren’t really any silver styles. And then flipping through other pages, there just weren’t really any magazines that spoke. Like, at that time I was 51, and I’m like, “Okay, I don’t picture myself looking like the little granny in a rocking chair with my gray silver.”
LJS: Oh, my god, yes.
RS: Right? Because that was the image. Look at the emojis back then. They were all just little grannies with their hair up in a bun. I was like, “Okay, I hike. You know, I do. I haven’t done a 14-er that I have [succeeded at] yet, but we do a lot of hiking here in Colorado. We’re, you know, paddle boarding. That doesn’t picture the little granny with the gray hair. So I just was kind of frustrated I couldn’t find any, and I went on Instagram, and back then there were a handful of accounts, not the thousands of accounts there are now, and found a few women and one in particular, that was in Colorado. That really inspired me because she had kind of my vision of what I thought I wanted for my long hair journey. And I connected with her and then just realized again, like I said, there wasn’t any magazine specifically out there. And so I thought, well, I’m just going to create one.
LJS: And how the heck did you go about that?
RS: I almost feel silly talking to you, as you are the expert in my opinion on that.
LJS: No, but you did it from the ground up. I’m so impressed. I’m in awe. I mean, I can’t even imagine. One of the things with CoveyClub, I thought I was going to do a digital magazine and that was hard enough. I can’t imagine trying to actually find a printer and all that stuff. So talk about that, because people who are listening, there may be a market. As you and I talked briefly before we started this, the truth about it is I ran national and international magazines. And maybe what’s happened is that those big jumbo markets have disintegrated and fallen apart. And what’s happened is the middle has fallen out. But you see, maybe, a lot of niche products, like I was telling you in New Orleans, there are tons of small magazines here that seem to be doing very, very well. Maybe there is a market for that. Maybe that’s where people can look.
RS: Yeah, I would agree with that, because, when I first did it, I didn’t intend on actually doing a magazine. I mean, I had the idea in my mind, but I didn’t know if it would be, you know, received. Well, so that first initial one really went out as more of a love letter to the silver community just because I was excited and I was sharing some of the women that really had inspired me at that point in time. And, I didn’t really think it was going to be like this new career for me. And then within, like, the first two weeks, I couldn’t believe how much my inbox and Instagram was blowing up. Well, how do I get this? Where do I find this? I was like, “Oh, just right here in the little PDF file I sent you.”
LJS: You started as a PDF?
RS: It was a PDF file, basically that.
LJS: I just love it. Oh, okay.
RS: And it was received so well that all of a sudden it was like, oh, okay, I might have something here. And again, that entrepreneur inner person who’s been with me all my whole life was like, okay, well, what do we do with this now, the piece of the magazine, I kind of had some of those pieces lined up with, like, printers and stuff like that, because I had been doing a local wine magazine for a wine group I had started in Colorado, when there wasn’t much out here as far as wine. So I kind of knew, like, who I was going to use [as] a printer, as kind of a print on demand. So I kind of had that to start with when I decided to switch over into the magazine piece with this. But, yeah, I didn’t really even know what I really wanted to share. So, like, the first issue that came out truly was just, here’s the pictures of these beautiful women on Instagram. Here’s where you can follow them and support them. A few tidbits on how to get started, tips and that sort of stuff. But after I got the response, I was like, “Okay, well, now that there’s somebody listening to this, let’s take it deeper.” And so then I really wanted to delve into these stories because it seemed to me like everybody has a story for why they decide to embrace gray. Some of it’s health related, some of it’s, you’re just tired of coloring. You know, there’s all sorts of stories… behind it, and I love the stories. I’m a big story person, so, I mean, you can catch me in a story, and I’m going to sit there and listen to your entire story because I love stories.
So that’s really how it kind of got started. When you go back to that niche comment, I think that for me, the gray hair was a niche. There wasn’t anybody else doing an actual magazine at that time. So I think that did help in the beginning with getting the attention out there because it hadn’t been done yet. and I think there was a real need for it because as a woman embracing my gray, it was funny to see some of the responses out there from friends, from people I didn’t know. I mean, it was very surprising. You know that men are accepted for their gray and they’re considered distinguished, and women that are embracing their gray, you suddenly go, “Oh, they don’t care anymore.” I probably know more about my hair and more about products now than I ever knew in all the years of coloring, because there’s so much more to it that we don’t know when we’re entering it. Because nobody ever talks about it.
As the world is moving more to digital, printing magazines are going extinct
LJS: So now, do you print and distribute a magazine? How do you do it? You went from the PDF.
RS: So we spent the first two years – after that PDF, every issue after we printed. And so you could either download he PDF, or you could also read it. We’ve used a format called Issu.
LJS: Oh, Issu. I remember that. Yes.
RS: Yep. We used them to do the digital version of the magazine. And, we were printing. But as you said, printing magazines are kind of going to the wayside, right
LJS: It’s expensive, right? Yeah. People don’t understand how expensive it is – and expensive to ship.
RS: Yes. It was kind of crazy. I mean, when we first started I was able to get it where it was reasonable to be able to offer it as a subscription base for the print. But in 2023, we actually had to make the decision, at least for the time being, we moved to a print on demand option. So if somebody really wants a print issue, they can order a print issue of that specific print. But it just became unfeasible for us. We ran into so many problems in the middle of 2022 with our printer not being able to deliver, he was having trouble getting paper and inks and all this sort of stuff, and then he was raising prices on me and, oh, my gosh, as much as I wanted to keep this, it became more like, realistically, the world is moving more to digital.
I say that, but then it’s really funny, because when you say niche markets, I still get a lot of feedback from women that are upset with me that we’re not offering it in a subscription form. You can still get it, you know, on the print on demand. But again, that’s not the savings that you get when you’re on a subscription, typically. So it’s been really interesting. So I think if you have a niche market, it’s something I think [that’s] possible to do. So we are, like, reviewing. How could we maybe bring that back into the circle? Because I did not expect the blowback of going strictly to digital that I have now gotten.
LJS: Well, I’ll tell you where the blowback comes from. It’s that the way that old print was set up was that they made the product practically free. The consumer was never paying for the product. So it was all supported by advertising. And when the advertising all went to Facebook and Google, that’s why the business fell apart. Because they were afraid and they found resistance in the consumer, saying, “Oh, well, now I’ve got to pay $5 or $6 for each one.” That’s what it costs once it’s not subsidized anymore. And, so that’s where the sort of disconnect is, that we trained the populace to think that the product was free. And it’s really not free. But you can’t untrain people. So that’s why digital is the only way to go, because you can make that practically free.
RS: Right. And you’re so true, that training of people, because it is interesting when you’re talking to somebody and you’re having conversations, and they really want to know why it’s not possible. You’re trying to explain that. And, like you said, there’s that disconnect. “Well, yeah, but if you’ve got some advertisers.”
LJS: That’s not enough. Not enough.
RS: Yeah. When you go through our pages, I’m really proud of trying to be careful with who we actually share product-wise.
LJS: Right, you don’t want to take anybody. And sometimes “just anybody” is the one with the money.
RS: Right, right. I had to laugh because we did get a company at one point in time, early on in our first year, that reached out with a little bit of interest and wanting to share. But they are a company that promotes covering your gray hair. Everything I say is about not needing to feel like you have to cover it and being excited yourself to find beauty on your terms. So even though they had some money to share, I didn’t feel good about that. That was kind of a mixed message. And if I’m trying to promote embracing yourself, then also sharing a product in there that says, “No, don’t embrace it, cover it.”
LJS: Welcome to the world of hypocrisy, which is what, for years, I don’t know if you remember this, but long after they discovered that cigarettes cause cancer. Tobacco advertising was huge in women’s magazines. It supported a huge amount of product. And what they actually had to find out, I mean, we fought as editors for years to get rid of that. And they finally did some research, and they actually found out that running the ads when you had anti-smoking articles in the magazine did better than just removing the ads, it was weird. But, of course, as soon as you ran an anti-smoking article, the tobacco industry didn’t want to be there. Many, many compromises, shameful compromises, were taken in the name of cash.
RS: Yeah, well, I’m trying really hard, and luckily, we’re still so small that I can still make those decisions. It’s not about the mighty dollar for me. I’m not running a huge staff that I have. Like, you were working with a huge.
LJS: Oh, god. Crazy
RS: I don’t have a huge staff. You know, my writers all give their time and love right now because we all love this silver journey. So I’m fortunate that I don’t have to have a certain amount of dollars… to do things. It was a little sad to have to kind of hold back and go to print on demand, because, again, I am truly a magazine person. I like to flip through pages.
LJS: I hear you.
RS: I’m getting more accustomed to reading them on my iPad now with the readers. But I kind of miss that nostalgia. The younger people, like my daughter — she’s 26, almost…
LJS: They don’t look at magazines. They don’t know what a magazine is.
RS: Yeah. She’s like, “No, Mom, why do you even need to do that? Stay digital.” I’m like, “Well, yeah, but a lot of the readers are my age. I know we still kind of grew up with that magazine piece.” So it’s been an interesting journey, but it’s one that I would never change. I would never go back and not do it. Even with the difficulties, I wouldn’t not do it.
LJS: So let’s talk about gray hair and the whole issue with gray hair with women, because I think it’s still an issue out there. I had friends who went gray while they were in a job that they were very secure in. They left that job, and one of them in particular let her hair go gray, couldn’t find another job, had to dye her hair, and got a job. And she said people told her she looked too old. I can’t believe we’re still in this spot. It seems like, for many people – I’m not talking about Hollywood, where 20-year-olds are dying their hair gray because it’s groovy – when you are the age and you want to just have fabulous gray hair, there seems to be still a lot of prejudice out there. What do you find?
RS: Yeah, there definitely is, and like you said, it’s kind of unfortunate that we still have a world where those things still play in, play into the old stereotypes. You know, you don’t see anybody telling George Clooney he’s too old to make movies. He’s so distinguished. Or, you know, Robert Redford. I mean, you just look at all the actors that have gray hair and they are still touted as if they are the sexiest men alive. But it’s very rare that you see women.
I love the actresses like Helen Mirren that are embracing it now and kind of standing up and standing more pridefully for it to kind of help push that it should be acceptable. But at the same time, for women, it always seems like rather it’s age, rather it’s our hair color. There’s just this misconception that you hit 40 and everything goes downhill.
And with the gray haired thing. It definitely does. I mean, look at Lisa… I’m drawing a blanket. Her last name, the newscaster who…
LJS: Oh, yes, the woman in Canada. Yes, yes. She was let go from her job for going gray. She looks sensational too.
RS: Unfortunately, I think it’s that whole concept still, that men still overall have the majority of the say in our ad campaigns. Although women are the ones who are actually spending more of the money.
LJS: We spend all the money, always have, always have,
RS: We make all the decisions. Yet we still are not necessarily given the same respect, especially as we get older. And then you throw in the gray hair thing and yes, it is definitely crazy. If you immerse yourself in the gray community, you’re shocked because we’re all so loving and receptive to each other and uplifting and supportive. And then you get some of those people that are on the outside that are not so sure of it. And a lot of times, I think that kind of comes from more or less, you have to go gray when you’re ready, and that’s different for everybody.
Especially in the working world, I mean, if you’re working and it’s a matter of you may not be able to pay your bills because you can’t find a job, then it’s probably not the right time for you to go gray, even if you want to, in a sense. Sometimes you have to accept that reality. And sometimes the person who wants to do it is on the verge of that next moment for themselves where they become a solopreneur, because they’re just tired of listening to everybody tell them what they have to do, and they have a great idea, like a niche, and they can make it happen. Then it doesn’t matter what color their hair is.
LJS: It’s so ridiculous that we even have to worry about color of hair, isn’t it? It’s unbelievable. When we used to do More magazine we would talk about making sure that everybody in the shoot was diverse, it was not just skin color, ethnicity, background, race. It was hair color. We had to make sure that we had hair color diversity as well. That’s how, you know, that’s how different it is.
RS: It is crazy to watch the people. When I first started doing my journey, my really close friends were like, “Oh, Robin, we can’t do that with you.” And I was like, “Well, that’s okay. I wasn’t asking you to do it with me. I was just letting you know. So you weren’t wondering why I hadn’t colored my hair in a couple weeks.” Like, this is why. I’m letting it go natural and see what happens. And, that’s when I started. I can’t say I was on the bandwagon 100%. I initially started my Instagram account solely to declare that I was going to give it a two-year journey. And at the end of that, I decided if I was going to stay gray or go back to color. and I did it to make myself stick to that two-year mark.
LJS: They say going public helps.
RS: Yeah. And for me, it really did. I said, I’m doing it for two years, which means I gotta stick this out for two years. And that first year, that first six months was kind of like, wow. I was like, why did I put that out there publicly? But I wasn’t afraid of going gray. My grandmother had gray white hair growing up, beautiful. I volunteered in nursing homes and worked in the nursing home as a CNA through college. Always loved the silver haired women. Did I ever think I’d do it at 50? No. I probably thought I’d do it more along 70. That was my initial thought back then. At that age, 50 was old. I hit 50 and said, “This isn’t old.”
LJS: That’s not old.
RS: Right? You start rethinking things that you thought. I’m always like, “Hey, Mom, I am so sorry for the things I said to you when you were 55.” Boy, was I out of control.
LJS: Yeah, my favorite with my daughter is when I say “So, how old is that teacher?” “Well, she’s really old. She’s at least 40.” Thanks a lot. Yeah, yeah.
RS: I like to say our daughters will be giving us those apologies as soon as they get it. You know, we’ll be older, obviously,but they’ll get it at some point in time and be like, oh, man, Mom, you were right.
My mother was one, when I first said I was going to go gray, she looked at me and went, “Oh, honey, I know your mother’s supposed to be gray before you, but I just can’t do it.” And I was like, again, “That’s okay, Mom. I wasn’t asking you to do it”. But, two years in, she saw me doing it. And then, of course, the helper. I call the best friend helper COVID. Because COVID, at least.
LJS: Yes. Oh, my god, yes.
RS: COVID kind of made everybody, even if you didn’t want to, kind of have to do it. Unless you had lots of box dye.
LJS: Yes. Oh, my god.
RS: So my mother had to let hers come in, and she actually discovered that she kind of started liking it. She liked the way mine looked. And hers is way more silver than mine, and it’s so beautiful. Now she has a full head of silver hair.
LJS: Now, that’s the thing, Robin. I’ll be really honest. When my hair starts to come in, I have crappy, silver hair. I look like I’m dirty. It just looks dirty. It doesn’t look white yet, and it just looks greasy. When do you get to that point? Is it just that some people have beautiful gray hair that comes in all at once, or does everybody go through the crappy, greasy thing for a long time?
RS: I think we all go through that crappy, greasy thing in the beginning. The reality is that silver and white hair is all different shades, right? You can’t sense if it’s all gonna be white or it’s all gonna be silver. It’s all gonna be completely different. And lighting makes a big difference, too, Lesley.I just took pictures the other day with a hat on. Inside, I look really silver. But when I went outside in the sun, I looked a lot blonder.
It’s really interesting how the gray tones of your hair, depending on what lighting you have, will be totally different. When we were first talking, we had our videos on for this call. I’m in natural lighting right now and I look pretty silver, but if I walk into my kitchen, I’m going to look a little bit more with that golden yellow hue just because of the lighting that’s in the kitchen area.
So a lot of that comes into play. It also comes into play that what you start with is never what you’re going to end up with. And I don’t know why that is, other than it progresses and the melanin stops coming to your hair, so you don’t have as much of the melanin in your hair. You’re never going to be the same way. And I can tell you right now what I am now, I will not be two years from now. I will not be ten years from now. It’s a continual thing because your hair still grows. It’s just growing without the color pigments in it.
LJS: So, is everybody able to just grow it out, Robin? Or did they have to go and actually have it made gray?
RS: You know, everybody has to do what’s best for them. I am one who went all natural. I gave the full blown. I did do two toning treatments and I did one that made my hair such a darker gray than I expected, that I was in tears. It was one of those moments that I was like, why did I say, I’m going to do this for two years, right? I came home from that toning session and literally washed my hair ten times just trying to get the toner out.
So I think it really depends. There are a lot of women who have gone naturally. There’s a dye strip technique, which is a way of letting your hair grow naturally, but you’re kind of rotating out. And so, doing a strip of dye, then skipping a strip, doing a strip of dye, and that kind of helps some with the grow out. And then there are those who go and have it completely done gray by a stylist. And I don’t think any way is wrong if that’s how you want to blend or if you want to do highlights. I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do it. It’s a matter of when you’re ready to do it. And eventually everybody who’s coloring it, eventually their goal is most likely to have it eventually coming on their own. And like I said, it just varies.
One toning session, I came out looking this beautiful silver that I thought I was going to be. I was like, sweet. But then the second toning session, she’s like, oh, I’m going to blend in more with what’s now coming out of what’s actually now showing. And I was so dark, I was like holy Toledo. But then you look at me now, four years later, and I’m definitely not that darker shade, but I’m also not as light as I thought I would be at this point, or quite as silvery, but I still love it and I still have caramel strands. I mean, here’s the thing. It depends on who you are and what your DNA is, because if you look at my hair for my roots, you can see I still have some long lengths that still have my golden blondes that are coming from the roots.
LJS: So let’s talk a little bit about the color versus gray divide. There’s a little bit of friction sometimes between people who have decided – it reminds me a little bit of what I ran into when I had a baby. There was a group of people who told me that I had to do it all natural. I wasn’t allowed to have any kind of painkillers. Somehow I wasn’t a woman if I had painkillers. And it was this weird divide of, you had to do it this way, you had to do it that way. What do you see in terms of the gray versus color divide? Do you think women are willing to let each other do what they want to do or do you see some friction there?
RS: I think there’s a little bit of friction, but not as much as maybe in some of the other scenarios like the one you just described. I think, when women first start this journey, you have it set in your mind how it’s going to go. You’re either going to go natural or there’s no way you’re going to go natural, you’re going to do it. And those who are already in the community are pretty laid back about like, hey, you do you, however you got to get there, as long as you’re embracing what you feel beauty is.
But there are still few people out there that still go, oh, no, you have to do it all natural or it’s not real. Or, oh, no, there’s no coloring is the best way because then it doesn’t take forever. My hairstylist, when I first went to her and told her I was going to do this, she looked at me and said, “Well, Robin, you’re in front of a lot of women and women can be like the harshest critics on one another. Are you sure you really want to just go cold turkey?”
So I started with that first blending of my hair, but I walked out of that hairstylist and I was like, oh, my gosh, I had like, the most yellow hair I’ve ever had. And at the time that I had all these yellow tones in my hair, I thought it was great. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. But when I started letting it come naturally, I started seeing the difference and realized wow, what I have now fits my skin texture, my tones, so much better. I mean, Mother Nature for me was definitely the better artist than I was with all the colors I was trying to do to my hair. But that’s my coming to that place of feeling like, this is okay. And I have a good support system. I have a husband who’s like, I’ve been wanting you to do this for years. My daughter, again, most supportive person. She was getting married, so I said to her, I’m going to start this journey, but I can wait till after your wedding if you’d rather me not be graying your wedding pictures. And she was like, “Mom, do it. Girls my age are paying for it.” But the funny thing was, I honestly thought in nine months, I was suddenly gonna have this, this full head of gray hair. Because, you know, when you’re coloring and trying to cover those grays,t seems like you’re going closer and closer. Your visits are closer and closer because those gray hairs seem like they grow super fast. But then the minute you stop trying to cover them, all of a sudden they go into super slow growth. And all of a sudden you’re like, wait a minute. Taking a year, patience becomes your best friend. I can tell you I was not, I’m still not fully transitioning. I don’t think you ever fully transition because your hair is constantly growing. But it took me a good two and a half, two, three years before I honestly felt like I really had the majority of my hair where it was supposed to be. So patience becomes a virtue.
LJS: So let’s talk quickly, because we’re at the end of our time here, for women who are trying to reinvent themselves, not just in reinventing their hair, but who want to do something like you did, as you said, you wanted to do something that was creative. You wanted to do something that you’d never done before. You were not in the magazine business. What are two or three tips or tricks you might impart to someone like me who is a friend who’s thinking of reinventing, and maybe they want to do a digital magazine or a real magazine like you, about whatever their topic is that they’re interested in. What would you tell them?
RS: Yeah, first I’d say, make sure you’re really passionate about it, because it’s that passion that fires you and fuels you when everybody else around you might be telling you your idea is completely ludicrous. So, you know, if you’ve got the two little voices in your head talking to you, but most of it’s telling you, do it, do it, do it. Then I say, jump in and give it a try. if you’re listening to everybody else…for me, 2018 was not the best time to start any kind of magazine because all the big guys were closing down, like where you were at. I mean, things were closing down, and yet I was just so passionate about it. If I didn’t at least go and try it, I’d never know. So that would be one. Just listen and be passionate about what you want to do. Listen to yourself. And if your inside is constantly telling you you got to do it, then you should do it. At least give it a try. Maybe I seem flip there because I’m a person that believes that [you should] try anything and everything, and if it doesn’t work, oh, well, you just move on to the next thing if you need to. I don’t have to have life all perfectly lined out, which I know can be hard. My husband is one who likes to have everything planned out. I am not. So that’s a good, good tug of war.
And then, do your research. Like, had there been three or four other magazines like I was thinking I probably wouldn’t have splurged in as quickly as I did if there were other magazines. Again, is it a viable passion that you have? Like, I love to dance, but can I turn dancing into a business of some kind or a magazine? Can I turn dancing to a dance magazine? Probably not. I can’t, at least. So look at what that passion is and can it turn into something else where you can build a revenue to support yourself and others or the projects you love? I think those are really the key things. I always come back to passion because people always tell me it’s really that passionate piece. Everything around me was saying, no, don’t do the magazine. Magazines are dust now. Nobody’s reading magazines anymore. And yet I just still kept falling back on, “But I like to read magazines.” I’m going silver. I just jumped in.
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