Covey Podcast
Time for the Reinventor to Reinvent
After eight years as an entrepreneur, it’s time to rethink my direction
Well, who would have guessed that 2025 would be the year for my next reinvention? But it is. I have felt it in my bones for all of the past year. Even more unusual for me? I have no idea what I’ll be reinventing into. And being cool with that, ironically, will be part of my reinvention.
For the past eight years, I have enjoyed creating a platform for women like you and me to meet and gather and share our learnings. I have loved getting to know each of you and having each of you get to know me. When I started CoveyClub in 2017, I didn’t understand what it could become, only that I was looking for a way to continue on from More Magazine to allow smart, accomplished women to connect and find their voices. I had to dive into new technology and I was one of the first to use Zoom to hold Covey meetups. If any of you were there on those first few calls, you’ll remember me showing you how to use the controls at the bottom of the window. And that’s hilarious: Me teaching someone else how to use tech! I was such a discombobulated business person that I didn’t even track who had joined the club and who had left! It took me years to know that those were important numbers.
Then came Covid and the subsequent lockdown. CoveyClub took off. Everyone was looking to share and connect—and not go crazy. I hired a small staff, members filed in, and we created wonderful groups like the Positive Mornings meetups where we shared tips and tricks for staying sane and keeping our families safe. At CoveyClub, we all bonded deeply and really got to know each other. And we kept it going for about two years until everyone got so busy it made no sense to continue. Post Covid, when we met for the live events in New Orleans, it was indeed a special moment of joy and connection. My New York events were full of fun and surprises—and laughter as well.
But, as the months passed, I heard from dozens of you that your time was being bought up by other commitments. Some longtime members found their way into their own reinventions and couldn’t meet during office hours but wanted help marketing their goods and services, connecting with other women, and expanding their anti-anxiety techniques. My team and I responded by creating new services such asThe Academy (400 pre-recorded classes!) and The Marketplace (sharing your goods and services to the CoveyClub community) and monthly EFT tapping classes, that we thought would be helpful as people returned to lives outside of a Zoom screen. Many of you joined us and it was a terrific expanded experience.
Then, in 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, became a survivor, and began to ask myself if I was spending my time in the best manner possible. I loved the 30+ hours a week I spent on CoveyClub, but to be frank, when mortality began bearing down, I decided I wanted to travel more, experience more, not have to worry about being in a meeting every Monday at 10 a.m. I loved every podcast interview, every online class, every conversation I had with all of you at Covey. But over the course of 2024, I came to the conclusion that maybe it was time for change—maybe I needed to be untethered, and, danger of all dangers, unfocused.
I am the kind of person who likes to have structure. I was thrilled when I discovered color-blocking for my Google calendar. I have to feel I have purpose every day, every hour. My husband, who is the exact opposite personality, once asked me how I would feel to wake up with no plans for the day. To him, he said, this is heaven. To me, I told him, it sounds like death.
But today I’m ready to take that challenge.
I’ll be closing CoveyClub at the end of April 2025, after we return from our fabulous Amalfi Coast trip. I will be opening a personal space on Substack and if you’re subscribed to my newsletter you’ll be getting my updates automatically. (If not, you can follow me here.) You will still be able to access the Reinvent Yourself podcast on any podcast platform and I am working on a way to allow you access to the 400 pre-recorded classes. I will prorate a refund for those of you who hold a yearly subscription for what would have followed after April 30. Please know that we will continue all regular CoveyClub services and emails through April 30. Feel free to reach out to me or Casee with any concerns.
This has been a wonderful first outing as an entrepreneur. And you made it so amazing. I would like to thank you all for your unwavering support, your guidance and expertise, your writing and voices, and, most importantly, your friendship.
Suzanne C Frank
So happy for you! And bereft for me as well. I haven’t been attending as much as I had been in the past. I’ve missed it because I’ve been too busy. Exactly as you describe.
I’m using 2025 to make some changes for myself as well. Letting go of a few roles that cause me angst and make me feel that I can’t handle the level of detail that I used to be able to handle easily (which is a horrible feeling, because it makes me worry that I’m developing dementia).
Thank you SO MUCH for Covey Club. I will miss you! I’m hoping that keeping in touch won’t be too difficult.
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