What We Learned in June on CoveyConnect * CoveyClub

Reading: What We Learned in June on CoveyConnect

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What We Learned in June on CoveyConnect

Our new private networking app is full of great advice from wonderful women.

By Catherine LeFebvre

Just over a month ago, we launched CoveyConnect, the networking arm of CoveyClub. It’s an app where you can find mentors, teachers, sharers, connectors, reinventors, business contacts, and new girlfriends with whom you can just grab a glass of wine whenever you travel the world. The women who’ve joined are smart, inspiring, and if you don’t mind my saying, just plain fun to be around.   

In June we learned a lot around our theme (productivity), but also devoted time to helping solve problems and encouraging each other to grow — exactly the kinds of things we were hoping CC would do for women when we were just starting to plan it 🙂 If you want to join in on it, here’s the info.

It’s a great time to join, because we’re continuing our Fourth of July celebration by offering 50% off all yearly memberships to CoveyClub from July 5th to July 19th. Use code JULY4 at checkout here or by upgrading your membership in your account settings when you log into CoveyClub.com. (Please note: Promo code is not currently available with PayPal) But in the meantime, here are just a few takeaways from the last month:

There are plenty of ways to stay relevant.

One of our weekly goal-setting prompts was about what we can do to stay relevant. You had diverse ideas, some specific and some more overarching. One thing we can all agree on? Tendinitis sucks. Here are some of our members’ comments:

  • Trying to work on my resume! 
  • Continue my daily Facebook Live videos where I seek audience engagement. 
  • I’m starting work with a new coach who I know is going to push me towards goals way out of my comfort zone. 
  • Try to finish up my new book a couple of weeks early, so It can get published sooner rather than later. 
  • Exercise more! I have been struggling with an injury, but my strength training is paying off and I’m ready to add another day. I’m signed up for a few triathlons, but had been thinking I wouldn’t even be able to start one this season. My goal is to start a tri, with my reach goal to be able to finish one! Tendonitis sucks! 

There’s no such thing as perfect.

That’s the insight one member shared when Lesley asked, “Did you expect to be the perfect mother? How did you get comfortable that you would have flaws like any normal human?” Of course perfection isn’t really a thing, but when it comes to our kids…wow do we wish we could be just that for them. Here are a few more comments:

  • I actually thought that mothers whose kids had tantrums were screw-ups, and that my home would always be calm and loving. Ha! My kids came out great, but it’s a mystery how…Now all these young men need is to be heard, and I’m happy to listen as they talk about how they processed assorted experiences. 
  • I was, and am, fascinated by and respectful of my children. I never thought of them as extensions of my identity. Their achievements are solely their own. I am so imperfect. I just hope they know in their core that I love them as they are. The most pressing issue I am finding is while being so overly respectful of their boundaries that I am less involved than they would like me to be. I could go on and on but then I would have to pay you all for the session. 
  • I think I did a good job most of the time. Yet there are still times I wish I could get a do-over. My boys are 19 & 24. I look back at the years with gratitude, and hope that we taught them enough to be great fathers in the future. We all learn our own way. 
  • I don’t believe in “perfect” anymore… my kids have taught me that doesn’t exist…wow, they are incredible teachers. I’m easing into a place of gratitude and reverence for all parents… where I might have been a tad judgmental before😉

You are all welcome to come do my laundry. Any time.

One of our June polls was about productivity superpowers. We got a lot of fun suggestions, like always having well-fitting athleisure, and already knowing all the shit you Google all day, and realized just how much getting healthy meals together stresses everyone out, with multiple calls for a personal chef. But what really surprised me is that no one chose “my laundry is always done” from the main poll. 

Seriously you’re all completely zen about laundry? This doesn’t resonate with you at all?

Please, teach me what I’m doing wrong. 

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