Covey Nest Hours * CoveyClub

Got a project to finish? Taxes to file? A business plan to create? Need to get some writing done?

If you need an excuse to settle down and just DO IT, we’ve got a solution.

CoveyClub Nest Hours are open hours over Zoom when you can just dial in and check in with your sisters and work. It’s kind of like a virtual study hall. We’ve tried it and it works.

How it Works

Twice a week we’ll open up the Covey Zoom for some co-working time. Whether you need accountability for blocking off time to work or you want to step away from the busyness of life to enjoy a creative project, just bring your task and settle in to get it done!

Nest Hours are coming soon! If you’re a Covey member, join us in the CoveyConnect Facebook Group for updates.

Not a member? Join today!