#93: From Wall Street to Uber Coach (Tanya Ezekiel)
May 15 2020
She fell in love with the energy on the trading floor; it led her to Salomon Brothers as a Bond Options Trader and a Managing Director at Bank of America. When she left, she found her way into a coaching certification class. “What made me a success at my [former] job was getting people to do what they needed to do,” Ezekiel says. “I saw an opportunity to help people.” Before she even had her certification, Ezekiel was working 80-100 hours per week coaching 30 clients. Not wanting to be limited by her physical capacity, she opened Conductive, which allowed her to scale coaching with staff. Post-Covid, Ezekiel believes consumers will need more coaching than ever. “It’s hard to embrace the unknown,” she says. “But that is where the magic is. It will unfold and …let the reveal of the reinvention happen.”