NOLA 2023 Connection Convention * CoveyClub

November 9th 2023 12:00 am (EDT)

NOLA 2023 Connection Convention

CoveyClub’s Nola 2023 Connection Convention. We look forward to hosting you in my fabulous hometown of New Orleans. Location: New Orleans, Louisiana Dates: Thursday, November 9th — Sunday, November 12th. You won’t want to miss this great chance to meet your Covey sisters, connect, and really feel the warmth and depth of the Covey experience. Plus you get to eat great food and listen to great music–and learn! Daughters are welcome–and encouraged!

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CoveyClub is where life-long learners meet, connect and grow with other intelligent, accomplished women who are expanding their worlds, making their voices heard, and learning how to live an authentic life.

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