Lesley Jane Seymour's New Online Club for Women CoveyClub

Issue 1

February 2018

A letter from Editor Lesley Jane Seymour

Welcome to CoveyClub!

After More magazine closed in February 2016, hundreds of you reached out over my personal social media and asked me to create a place where you could continue learning, connecting, reinventing, and impacting the world. Six hundred twenty-seven of you took a 54-question survey, sharing your most intimate and imaginative ideas about how such an experience might look and feel. “Make sure the content is relevant, intelligent, provocative, and unusual—where your unique voice is present,” suggested one of you. “I want evening events that will continue to help me connect with interesting women,” said another.

Well, I listened.  While CoveyClub is not an attempt to replicate More magazine (I had 34 editors and a multi-million dollar budget!), it is a space where women who appreciated the intelligent, inspirational, and authentic articles and ideas found in More can find similar content and connect virtually and IRL (In Real Life).

(FYI: “Covey” means a small group of birds or people; I like it because it sounds warm and cozy, like “cubby.”)

The CoveyClub experience begins with a hyper-curated digital monthly magazine named The Covey which contains articles by the best authors and journalists from around the world. Our daily Blog will point you toward shorter, more timely ideas and pieces by members of the CoveyClub community. (Pitch me at Lesley@coveyclub.com)

What’s truly unique about CoveyClub, however, are the Coffee & Conversation virtual salons. You sign up and join the 90-minute conversation (over the Zoom network) where I bring experts to talk about everything from beauty to fashion to sex.  You can join by computer or phone; you can let us see your lovely face by video or turn the camera off and just listen. You can submit questions ahead of time or ask them yourself during the event. If you can’t join live, listen to the recordings of the C&Cs anytime, at your convenience. C&Cs begin on a monthly basis, but I can ramp them up to weekly if you enjoy them. Send me the topics you’d like to hear covered: Let me know what times of the week will make it most convenient for you to add your voice to the conversation.

Because I believe that every woman–no matter your experience or occupation–must have a reinvention plan in your back pocket, I urge you to download The Covey Cast podcast on Podbean or iTunes. My conversations with successful, inspirational female reinventors will divulge the concrete tips and tricks women just like you employed to find, fund, and execute their passion projects, take control of their lives, or learn how to bounce back from adversity. Whether you want a to-do list for developing your personal brand, encouragement for overcoming a health issue, or steps for reinventing yourself as an intrapreneur (within a corporation) or as an entrepreneur, you’ll find answers at The Covey Cast.

Tune in to my Facebook Live interviews on the CoveyClub Facebook page with authors and women who are killing it; add your opinion or ask a question.

Sign up for my weekly Letter from Lesley in which I talk (briefly!) about my life (insights and struggles) of the moment. Once a month, I’ll point you toward a fabulous beauty, fashion, book, tech, or food item offering that I find really special.  Dues-paying members will receive a special discount offer.

If you get a kick out of connecting cool women to each other just to see what happens–or you just love to MSH (make s**t happen)–join Lesley’s List, my curated roster of women who have agreed to open their hearts, minds and contact lists in order to make new friends and help all of us continue to have a voice in the world. Each member “offers” a talent or a service to others on the list and “asks” for assistance, insight, or connections for their own project.

Lastly, if you are a solopreneur, entrepreneur, or have a product or service you’d like to place in front of the savviest, smartest, consumers with spending power and influence, check out CoveyClub B2B.  Come test your idea in a warm, loving environment, get feedback on your prototype, or delight members with samples. Plan your launch with us!

Join CoveyClub

Bring your friends! The more members, the more fun we will have.

Most of all, enjoy this inaugural February 2018 Issue.  Start your reinvention by performing Jennefer Witter’s personal brand audit in #1 Secret to Building Your Personal Brand, treat yourself to the most luxurious, personally curated French products in the world in The Best of France–in a Box, give back in a unique way when you travel with Luggage for Life.

Follow the CoveyClub Facebook page for updates on events and broadcasts. Reach out to me at any time with questions or thoughts at lesley@CoveyClub.com. I treasure your feedback.


Say what?

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”

Coco Chanel

Hot flash!

Calling Mrs. Kildare! A study of 58,344 doctors found patients treated by women had a lower risk of death and hospital readmission! Who knew?


Erica Baird & Karen Wagner

Erica Baird & Karen Wagner

Former top-flight lawyers who discovered they both wore leather to work, Erica and Karen also realized, once they retired, that there were no role models for those who didn’t want to spend the rest of their lives on a golf course. With Lustre, they are reinventing the concept of retirement while addressing the incumbent issues of image, identity and value that arise from creating a new view. Erica and Karen are regular contributors to The Covey.

Emily Johnston

Emily Johnston

Emily’s work takes her around the world recording the intimate landscapes of our relationships to each other and our environments. She has worked with clients and publications such as Mercedes-Benz, Vanity Fair, and Wall Street Journal Magazine.

Mel Miskimen

Mel Miskimen

Mel Miskimen is an award winning writer whose works have appeared in the Huffington Post and on public radio. Her book, Sit. Stay. Heal: How An Underachieving Labrador Won Our Hearts and Brought Us Together, (Sourcebooks 2016) was labeled a ‘must read,’ by Modern Dog magazine. Mel is working on her next book about her complicated relationship with her husband and the other woman: a 130 year-old wreck of a Queen Ann (home).