BB Babes by Mindy Solkin * CoveyClub

BB Babes by Mindy Solkin

Fashion Stylist and Fitness Professional

Look and Feel Your Best – at Every Age
The Fashion, Fitness, and Health Network for Baby Boomer Women.

Fashion, fitness, and health. They go together especially if you are a Millennial, have a fit body, and a blossoming career. But what if you are more mature with great wisdom that only a number of years can bring? What if you are in your 60’s and 70’s? Couldn’t you care about fashion, fitness, and health too? Shouldn’t you? Together we will shine light on our generation of women to empower us to embrace our unique style and lead healthy, active lives. This is a labor of love for you and about you!

BB Babes is a tribute to women who were born between 1946 and 1964, and who want to look and feel their best at every age. We offer services in Fashion Styling, Fitness Classes, and Health Coaching, both in-person and virtually, for groups and individuals.

I am Mindy Solkin, the founder and creator of BB Babes. I have been a fashionista and a fitness professional my entire adult life. With five decades of experience, knowledge, and skillsets under my belt, I am finally able to develop the business that combines all my passions and career paths – fashion, fitness, and health, to provide guidance and support to the generation of women who inspire me. In 2022 I got certified as a Health Coach, adding to my list of certifications and knowledge. I am paying it forward and using all my knowledge and experience to help you. Because I am you.


  • Fashion Styling featuring finding your unique style
  • Fitness Classes featuring The 10-10-10 Balance Challenge for fall prevention, better balance, strength and stability
  • Health Coaching featuring The Eight Dimensions of Health and Wellness
  • Services are offered in-person in Philadelphia and virtually

Special Offer

Free Ebook!

The BB Babes Ebook and Assessment is a first step to:

  • Create Your Unique Fashion Style
  • Optimize Your Fitness Exercises
  • Improve Your Health and Wellness