Jacqui Justice, MS * CoveyClub

Jacqui Justice, MS

Functional Nutritionist

Shed Your Menopausal Middle
And Finally Get Your Mojo Back!

I’m a leading expert in Menopausal Wellness, Weight Loss Resistance and Digestive Health with over 27 years of experience in private practice. I am passionate in my belief that to truly heal any wellness issue, you must first uncover and eliminate the root cause so that true healing can begin. In addition, eating for your individual hormonal response to food and adopting the proper wellness mindset for reaching your desired outcome are equally as important.

In addition to my private virtual practice, I have over 10 years experience co-hosting radio talk shows, have been featured in various publications and have been a guest on many local and national radio and television talk shows. I am a published author of 8 online wellness courses on DailyOm.com, with my best-selling Shedding Your Menopausal Middle, The Menopausal Middle Menu Plan, A Sweet Life Without Sugar and What To Eat After 40. My courses have helped over 200,000 women globally have happier and healthier menopausal experiences.

Special Offer
FREE Mini Course

Hormone-Balancing, Belly-Shedding Minicourse

earn why you’re struggling with belly fat, fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes and stubborn hormonal weight gain and how to start reversing your symptoms in 6 simple steps!


What clients are saying:

“I’ve been working with Jacqui for 8 months now, and i can confidently say she’s been a game-changer in my life. at 50, I was feeling bloated, drained of energy, and far from my usual self. I sought out Jacqui with the simple goal of feeling better. Not only did she help me achieve that, but she guided me throguh a transformative journey.

Under Jacqui’s guidance, I’ve not only shed 30 pounds, but I’ve also experienced a profound shift in my overall wellbeing. What sets Jacqui apart is her holistic approach. She doesn’t just focus on the physical aspects but delves into the intricacies of overall wellness.

Jacqui’s advice isn’t just practical; it’s life-changing. She provides tips and hacks that are not only realistic but sustainable in the long run. What I appreciate most is that she doesn’t overwhelm you with information. Instead, she customizes her approach to fit your needs, making the journey manageable and enjoyable.

Jacqui’s impact on my life has been immeasurable, and I’m incredibly grateful for her expertise, support, and genuine care. Thanks to her, I’ve not only achieved my health goals but have found a renewed sense of vitality and joy. If you’re looking for a nutritionist who truly makes a difference, Jacqui is the one.”