Jessica Grossmeier, PhD, MPH * CoveyClub

Jessica Grossmeier, PhD, MPH

Let me help you create evidence-based practices for a culture of health and well-being

Translating research into practice
Let’s get back to what matters for employee well-being

I am an award-winning researcher, speaker, and author of Reimagining Workplace Well-being: Fostering a Culture of Purpose, Connection and Transcendence. As a leading authority in workforce well-being, I collaborate with employers and well-being service providers to create evidence-based practices to support employee well-being and foster a culture of health. This includes collaborative research, advising, writing, and speaking on topics related to workplace well-being best practices, measurement/evaluation, strategic planning, and value demonstration. Recently recognized as one of the most influential women leaders in health promotion by the American Journal of Health Promotion, I also serve as a Senior Fellow for the Health Enhancement Research Organization, co-lead the Global Wellness Institute’s Workplace Wellbeing Initiative, and serve on several advisory boards. I hold doctoral and master’s degrees in public health, specializing in community health education.

In the aftermath of a global pandemic, employees are burned out, unfulfilled, and disconnected. As employers step up their efforts to address workplace culture and double down on employee well-being in the fight for top talent, it’s time to invest in an approach that is grounded in science, steeped in ancient wisdom practices, and tested in leading organizations. My book, Reimagining Workplace Well-being: Fostering a Culture of Purpose, Connection and Transcendence, integrates proven best practices from workplace well-being research with decades of management science research on workplace spirituality.


Special Offer
The Hidden Motivator for Increasing Employee Engagement in Wellness Programs

Inside this guide, you’ll:

  • Discover the best practice, evidence-based approach to unlocking well-being engagement.
  • Four key questions we need to ask every employee.
  • Plus, three key elements needed for a truly holistic approach to well-being.

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